Sorry Mom’s, Deadpool shouldn’t be PG-13

Unless you avoid facebook and some of its click bait posts, or you aren’t a nerd and just so happened to randomly find this, then you have seen the story about the 8 yr old boy who told his mother he should go see it. It was then followed up by a youtuber who decided to start a petition to make the studio release a PG-13 version. It is clear that this woman does not know anything about deadpool, or she would have understood the reason why Deadpool can’t and shouldn’t be made in a PG-13 version.


Deadpool was never written or animated to be a comic book for children. Deadpool has always been a character that was more Adult themed. While he has appeared in a handful of various Spiderman and other superhero comics, he has always been a foul mouthed merciless killer. Since his inception in the early 90’s, Deadpool has been shot, stabbed, crushed, ripped apart, and even turn into a fine red mist by the Hulk himself. He is a bit of a lunatic and has voices in his head. Deadpool is one of those few characters that while in other comics, still always is one of those that was geared towards adult readers rather than children.

I realize that part of this small push for a PG13 deadpool stems from his appearance in the spiderman cartoons. The fact of the matter is, that Deadpool is an extremely Tame and toned down version. I realize that many of the young kids, see the Marvel logo attached to Deadpool and think that is must be another super hero like Iron man, Thor, and Captain America.

Deadpool is quite possibly the polar opposite of Captain America. It’s Ironic cause Deadpool is a Canadian but he is also a man with almost zero morals or filter. Captain America was built to be a character that the whole family could get behind. His comics were something anyone could read, but Deadpool has never been a family friendly character. He has been a mercenary that killed people thought deserved death. He was a killer for hire. Does that sound like a Character you want an 8yr old child to be reading about or seeing a movie about? I would hope not.

Another part of Deadpool’s story has him fall for a prostitute. Yes it is in his back story. He fell in love with a prostitute and then got cancer. He then Went through a similiar process that Wolverine went through which is why he has the ability to heal and is pretty much immortal. Dead pool’s history and story is always dark and marred with nothing but violence and death. As long as i have loved comics, Deadpool was never one of the ones i thought was a kid friendly character. I can not ever support a petition to tame down his character as it would only make children want to explore the character and once they discover his comics and the fact that he is not like the Thor’s and Cap’n of the world, they could be turned off. On top of that if parents were to discover this (having not known what deadpool was about) they could start a backlash against studio’s preventing us adults from getting grittier more realistic movies based on our favorite characters.

I am urging the nerd parents of the world, or the parents who have nerdy kids. If you wish to fight for PG-13 please go buy a few deadpool comics and read them. I assure you that after you read them you will reconsider wanting your kid to follow him. I am not a parent so i can not accurately tell you how to raise your child, i am merely suggesting that anything under 15 is not a suitable age for Deadpool, especially if your child is 8, the fact that you would let him see a pg13 deadpool worries me slightly. Please, as a nerd in his 30’s it is very rare that i get a superhero movie the way it should be. Please don’t take this away from me.