Ridiculous 6: Surprisingly good

Yesterday i was sitting around and debating what i wanted to do with my day and i was flipping through Netflix when i stumbled on an Adam Sandler movie. The movie in question was called the Ridiculous 6, which if you know your movie history is a parody of the Magnificent 7 or 7 samurai. Basically there are a handful of movies that have followed the premise of 7 gifted individuals who come together for a greater good.

Ridiculous 6 is nothing like that movie, it is a comedy about 6 brothers who come together to save their father. The movie stars Adam Sandler as the main character White Knife (a boy who was raised by Indians after his mom was murdered.) He meets his father who is played by Nick Nolte. His father (Frank Stockburn) needs his help. Adam then takes it upon himself to help his biological father.

On his adventure , Adam Sandler meets five other people who’s mothers had a run in with Frank Stockburn. (Terry Crews, Jorge Garcia, Taylor Lautner, Luke Wilson, and Rob Schneider.) I am convinced that Rob has a contact that he must be in every movie Adam Sandler makes, but its not always a bad thing.

While the Magnificent 7 was a very serious movie, this is the complete opposite. While there were parts of the movie that made me think that they were trying to be serious, it was quickly broken up by something overly silly. That is what kept the movie interesting for me over the 2 hour run time. This isn’t a typical Romantic Comedy that Adam Sandler has been making on a regular basis, but when you are married with a family, you are going to try and make more kid friendly movies that your family can watch.

I realize that there was a lot of Flack about the movie and the Indians in it and several other things, but as far as the movie is concerned its not bad. I am not condoning any of the things that happened during the filming of the movie, i am merely stating that the movie was better than some of the more Recent Sandler Movies. I enjoyed that they didn’t take historic characters seriously and kind of mocked the movie that this was spoofing.

If i had to give it a rating i would give it a 3/5, its worth watching at least once. I would like to see Sandler maybe invest into producing other movies, maybe start making comedies that doesn’t star him and his friends. I think Sandler if he has a good story and some younger talent, could make some pretty funny movies. Maybe if you got him and Seth Rogan together, they could make a family friendly stoner comedy. Or not, it was just a thought.