StarWars The Disney Gold Machine.

This Review is Spoiler Free. I double checked.

So StarWars has been out for four days now and it has been raking in the money. Luckily for many of the people out there, it wasn’t relatively spoiled amongst the internet. As far as i concerned, the movie was well received amongst the StarWars fans, and by that i mean they absolutely killed it. I will be honest, i was a little scared at first, I was not afraid of what Disney would release, it was more that i was afraid that the movie would not live up to the expectations. I know there are people out there that don’t like the fact that disney owns the StarWars franchise, but lets be honest with ourselves. How many studios could write JJ Abrams a blank check for the movie. Making StarWars back in the day was on a rather cheap budget, with the amount of money being put into the block buster movies; Disney needed to be able to go distance to make this movie work. Now it has been said that it cost Disney between 175 and 200 million to make the StarWars, and that doesn’t include all the marketing and commercials.

There has been some people out there who may not like the StarWars The Force Awakens because they think that they played it too safe when making the movie. I will agree that they played it a little safe, but they did it right. Lets be honest, no one was more scared than Disney about this movie. While the three prequels did make money, they did not sit well with the die hard Jedi and Sith of the world. Disney knew that if they were going to revive the franchise, they were going to take the safe route and make sure that they kept it true to the original story that the StarWars fans hold so dearly to their hearts. I thought that Disney and JJ Abrams did an amazing job making a new movie. They built a movie that both people who new to the franchise and who have been there since the beginning can enjoy.

I was Lucky enough to get to see the movie on Saturday, and i must say that it brought back all the memories of my childhood. I loved StarWars as a kid. Its funny to think of how popular that movie was in the 90’s when i was growing up, and getting to see what happened to all my favorite characters was like seeing an old friend after years apart. It was touching it was gripping, and it was also a good bit funny. I was surprised how well JJ and the team were able to put in very subtle jokes and digs throughout the movie. It really broke up the movie nicely. The fact of the matter is, Disney is dominating the box office, having grossed over $530 Million world wide. Can it continue this pace through the rest of december; I expect it to dominate. Several of my friends have already seen the movie two or three times and i intend to see it again. While Disney was printing their own Money with the success of Marvel, JJ Abrams quiet possibly secured Disney their very first Solid Gold printer.

I can only hope that the next StarWars movie takes a bold leap in trying to change the game and maybe break the box office with a movie so stunning, no one can match it. I look forward to seeing What the disney blank check has to offer with the resounding success of their newest Franchise. I can only hope that Fort Knox has already given JJ the key to their vault.

May the Force be with you!