Star Wars Battle Front. A good game in theory.

I realize that many of you are probably too busy being engulfed by deathclaws to put down the pipboy and try a new game, but as i am sure you are all aware of StarWars battlefront, which released shortly after Fallout4. If you haven’t then now you know that the game is out there. I am a big fan of Star Wars; their movies and games. Now don’t take that as i know every single aspect of the movies and books because i don’t. I know the basic things about the movies and the stories, but i can’t tell you every minute detail about them.

I loved the last Star Wars game, and i preordered this one long in advance, and i can easily say that i am a little disappointed by the finished product of the game. There might be some people out there who think i must be crazy but hear me out first, there is a method to my madness. The game is worth playing at least once or twice, but there is a handful of tweaks that need to be made or this game will turn into another Battlefield4 where there are nothing but glitches and headaches that cause people to walk away from the game.

Problem number 1: Invincibility glitch

If you haven’t seen it yet, i suggest looking up videos about the battle Front Invincibility glitch. Long story short, if you are in one of the fighter, or x-wings, and the game lags you will crash but the game will toss you out of the ship. When the game catches up, you will find yourself out of the ship and on the ground with a new power, not being able to be killed. Basically something happens where it registers you still in the ship and it allows you to shoot people, but the blasters no longer work on you.

I have seen a few videos of people following the invincible person and shooting them till their blaster overheats and not getting the kill. It is pretty clear that the person exploiting this glitch knows what is going on. At first they may have been confused as to why they aren’t in the ship, but after the kill one or two guys that are tearing them apart with blaster. They realize they are immortal and abuse that new power. While its not the most prominent, it still exists and really frustrates other games and makes them not want to play if this can’t be fixed because more and more people will begin to try and exploit this glitch.

Problem number 2: Poor match making.

If you have played any shooting game ever, then you know there comes a time when you are going to get into a game where you are playing people who are a higher level than you, and you are probably going to have a bad time. This happens quite a bit in Battlefront, where you find yourself playing people who are quite a few levels higher than you, and you are getting blasted by guns that you can’t unlock for a while. The game does try to balance that out by letting you use the perks that your partner has, but if they are as just a low level as you then you are again going to have a bad time. There were several times that i was getting destroyed, barely getting out of spawn before i got roasted by some guns.

Problem number 3: The buddy Spawn is annoying.

Another crazy thing about this game is the way the spawning works. If you have played Battlefield, then you know you can be in a squad and you can spawn on any one of your squad members as long as they aren’t in combat. Battle Front kinda does this. When the game starts you are partnered with one other person, and you can spawn on them where ever they are in the map, and they can spawn on you. This becomes a problem when your teammate is incredibly bad at this game and they decide to rage quite 3 minutes into the game. If this happens then you are out of luck and you get to travel the 120m to the objective.

There were quite a few games where i would capture a point and i would get shot because the entire team spawned on their friends and over ran us, then we would have to run 100m or more to get to the point and by then it is about 50% captured and there is almost no way of retaking it. This becomes a problem when you can’t spawn on anyone because half the people on your team just jumped in and you are sitting there with no spawn friend. This means that if you have a group of 4 or more friends, you can easily dominate matches as long as you can spawn on your friends and not some random kid that rage quits every time he gets shot too many times. I realize that they didn’t want you to be able to spawn on everyone on your team, but they need to fix the spawn because i have watched my team get over run and get a big old goose egg because no one on our team can spawn and the other team is spawning like flies near the point.

Problem number 4: Are the guns broken?

One of the things i did notice about this game, is sometimes your crosshairs are on a person, but you don’t seem to get a hit on the player. I chalk this up to the fact that the bolts have a bit of a delay so you need to lead the person a bit, but it is a little frustrating when you are trying to hammer someone with your blaster and they somehow turn around and pop you with two shots. Another thing i noticed the other day while playing was an issue with some of the guns. One of the cards you can pick up is a scout pistol. Its a little powerful bond like pistol.

A few times i would pull it and empty half the gun into someone and they would drop me, other times i would get hit with one burst from the pistol and fall over. Its really frustrating but it could be sever lag. they might have a super high ping so their game says hey i shot you 5 times when on my game with my low ping i was only shot 1 or 2 times. Another weird issue i noticed was with the plasma rifle. Several times i have point blanked someone with the rifle and not got a kill, but i am sprinting up the map and get dropped from the other side of the map. Server lag again? Its possible but clearly there are some discrepancies in the game. I do think that Hans blaster needs nerf’d (Nerf’d or Nerfed means that you need to lower the Power) just a tad. The gun is pretty much a 1 or two shot kill; at least in the games i was in i was watching people get dropped almost instantly from that gun.

Problem Number 5: OP Heroes and villains. (Op means over powered)

There is a part of the game which is incredibly fun but a little frustrating. Its the Hero battle, where its a 6 on 6 matchup. at the start of each round the rebels get 3 heroes and the empire gets 3 villains. The good guys get Han, Leia, and Luke. Leia is a pretty useless hero by herself. Any time i get Leia i pretty much try to stay close to the person playing Luke or Han, the reasoning is because she has the ability to drop a shield or a health pick up. Basically Leia is best used for healing her fellow heroes and not directly getting into the battle. Han and Luke are both pretty balanced.

Han can do some real damage with his blaster, but if he gets into a gun fight with too many people he is going to get low on health rather quick. If you know how to play Luke right, he can easily win you the game, the same with Vader. If you know how to harness either of those characters, you can more than likely win the game or drop two of their heroes before you die. Emperor Palpatine is a joke. He is by far the worst character to get. He is incredibly slow and his powers are pretty bad. His lightening blast has a limited distance which means you have to get up close to battle which can be a death sentence when he starts taking damage. He has this move where he jumps and spins, but as many times as i have used that move, it doesn’t seem to do any damage but get you away from your attackers. The one good thing he has is his ability to drop hero tokens. He is basically the healer for the empire and not meant to get into the fire fight unless he has no choice.

Boba Fett is by far the most over powered in the game. If you know how to use him and your team is somewhat reliable, then you can wreck everyone in the game. There was a point when i was playing the other night with several friends where we were just smashing through the other team. Boba Fett has the jet pack, which means you can get up high on the map where most people can’t. If you have the jetpack card or are Luke, then you can get up and battle Boba fett, but don’t be surprised if you die pretty easily. Boba has a flame thrower which isn’t that great unless you are in a face to face battle, but his rockets are devastating. Atleast one or two games, i found myself hanging out (Camping if you wanna cry about it) on top of a ship and raining down Bounty Hunter Justice. While my blaster isn’t the best, i can fly and move quick so i was dropping people trying to snipe or hide, any time Leia would drop a shield i would fire a rocket in her direction. I am not sure if the Rockets lock on, or they are wire guided; i am guessing they are wire guided. I was able to nail and do quite a good bit of damage to any hero who got a taste of my rockets. The rockets and flames are pretty much instant death to any regular soldier who stood in my way. Boba Fett can easily wipe out Leia and Han if its being wielded by someone with a few hours under their belt. The hero mode is fun, but it can be a little frustrating when you aren’t the hero. You tend to watch from the kill screen more often than not if you try to rush into things, but it does teach you to work with teams.

Problem Number 6: There is no voice chat.

From What i have seen in the game, there is no public voice chat. this is both a blessing and a curse. If you have ever played Call of Duty, then you know the sound of a 12yr old kid telling you the things he is going to do to your mom, or calling you every vulgar thing under the son. It can be really annoying when someone just starts swearing because they are super tough on the internet, but it also makes the game incredibly difficult, especially some of the games where you need to move as a unit or coordinate where the heroes need to move to. The only time some of the multiplayer games are fun is if you have a bunch of friends in a party chat, other than that you are pretty much just going it alone and hoping one of your partners has the same idea that you do.

Problem Number 7: Lack luster Single player.

It feels more like a tutorial of how to play in the multiplayer than a single player game. I love playing Single player, which is why i bought fallout4, Sometimes you just want to be luke and go to town on some computer AI because they don’t know how to wait until your bolt blocking skill has run out.


The game is worth playing, it is a lot of fun and very exciting, i just hope that they make some changes to make the game a little better and more fun for newer players that are coming into the game fresh.

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