Fallout4 and a new low for my Social life

So fallout 4 has been out for almost a month now and i can honestly say that this has made my ability to go out and socialize with people difficult. I am not saying that i am a hermit, i am merely stating that this game is a lot of fun. If you haven’t bought the game, i would recommend buying it or at least buying your friends copy once they are done. The game is definitely one of the best games of the year by far. I know there are a lot of people who complain the graphics aren’t as good as what some of the other games that have been out, but The game is so emerseive and the story is so detailed, could you imagine if they increased the graphics higher? This would be a PC only and you would need the best system out there. Look at how popular GTA5 was that was not more realistic looking.


Bethseda didn’t the right thing when they stayed true to their roots. They kept the game pure. If you love fallout, there is no way you can’t be a fan of this game, everything feels like the previous games. it is familiar to its predecessors. If you have played a pervious version of fallout, then this game should not be hard to adjust to quickly. They have made a few additions to the game which made it more interesting. They added a customization feature where you can customize your own town, your weapons, and your gear. Instead of picking up gun after gun, you can build your own guns. Another upside is the fact that your guns don’t wear out and need repaired, which i can’t tell you how many times i would need to fix something cause i just got attacked by a horde of super mutants. Another one of the new things is the radiation storms. in the fallout world, there are traveling storms that will give you radiation if you get caught in them, meaning you need to seek shelter. The ghouls and other animals have changed. You can now get radiation poisoning if you get attacked by any ghoul, or radiated animals.

They have said that the play time for this game is 400 hours, which means that my Christmas vacation is going to be spent on my recliner playing non stop fallout4. I can only hope friends and family understand my priorities.


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